Boys & Girls Clubs of the Capital Area operates Universal Pre-Kindergarten for schools throughout Albany, Cohoes and Watervliet. UPK programming includes high-quality early learning experiences designed to prepare children to achieve and succeed.
We are one of the very few Clubs in the entire country that provides UPK care. Many of our youth are connected to the Club from PreK through high school.
Mary Haley
Director of Operations: Early Childhood & Education Programs
(518) 237-5044 ext. 147
Albany UPK Program
Yola Nicholas
UPK Director, Albany
(518) 462-5528 ext. 1019
To register, please visit Albany Schools and select the grade level.
Albany School of Humanities
108 Whitehall Rd, Albany, NY 12209
(518) 475-6575
Arbor Hill Elementary School
1 Arbor Drive, Albany, NY 12210
(518) 475-6625
Giffen Elementary
274 S. Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12202
(518) 462-7176
New Scotland Elementary
369 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208
(518) 475-6775
Roots Academy at West Hill
676 Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
(518) 475-6700
Sheridan Preparatory Academy
400 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
(518) 475-6850
Thomas O'Brien Academy of Sci & Tech
94 Delaware Ave, Albany, NY 12202
(518) 475-6875

Cohoes UPK Program
Van Schaick Grade School
150 Continental Ave, Cohoes, NY 12047
(518) 237-2828
Harmony Hill School
120 Madeline Hickey Way, Cohoes, NY 12047
(518) 233-1900
Abram Lansing Elementary
26 James St, Cohoes, NY 12047
(518) 237-5044
Watervliet UPK Program
Char'lee Frament
UPK Director, Watervliet
(518) 704-4225 ext. 1003
Watervliet Elementary School
2557 10th Ave #1,
Watervliet, NY 12189

Albany Schools UPK
UPK Registration: please visit www.albanyschools.org/academics/pre-k/index
for complete information and application links.

Why UPK is important
The Universal Prekindergarten Program (UPK) was established in 1997 as an early education foundation to providing high quality, developmentally appropriated programs in the State of New York designed to meet the social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, cultural and physical needs of children. The CLUB began providing UPK services for the Albany School District in 1998.
At the preschool level, children build strong foundations in social, pre-academic, and general life skills that will give them a leg up in school and beyond. Research shows that children who graduate from preschool have improved academic readiness, lower incarceration rates, and higher rates of pay.