Realestate Madness Tournament
Capital Area real estate companies are invited to participate in this exciting event!
Location to be confirmed.
Signup: Use the dedicated donation form below for new teams. You'll receive your donation receipt immediately and a separate email regarding team logistics will follow within a week.
For questions or sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Matt Email
Brandon Email

$500 donation per team to BGCCA
The game is 4 on 4 (half court)
Each game is two 15 min periods.
Teams must be coed.
Allowed up to 4 sub players.
This is a single elimination event.

Donations mean:
$25 Art supplies for a group activity
$50 Twenty healthy nourishing meals
$100 One week of After School supplies
$250 Food and program supplies for one night with 75 Teens
$500 Field trip transport for 50 kids
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